McDonald's Nutrition FAQs

We're here to tell you what's in your food and how McDonald's food is made.

Have questions about McDonald's calorie and nutrition information? We have answers! Check out our McDonald's nutrition FAQ for answers to all of your questions about nutrition, calories, and ingredients at McDonald's!

When will McDonald's offer whole wheat buns?

We know some of our customers are looking for different options at McDonald's to fit their dietary needs. While there are no plans to offer whole wheat buns now, we’re always listening to customer feedback.

Where can I find information about product nutrition and ingredients?

To quickly access McDonald's nutrition & ingredients information, select "More" on the bottom navigation bar, then select "Nutrition," and search for the desired food item within the categories provided. Once you locate the food item, select the product tile. You will find a short description of the product as well as a "Nutrition" tab and "Ingredient" tab. If you have already started your Mobile Order, select the product title of the food item and select the "Nutrition & Ingredients" section, if available.

Where do I find the nutrition information for McDonald's menu items?

You’ve come to the right place! Check out our Full Menu, where you can find our nutrition information. You can also check out our Nutrition page to learn more about nutrition at McDonald’s.

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